We have created this policy in order for you to understand how we collect, use, communicate and make use of personal information. The following outlines our privacy policy. When accessing the website, will learn certain information about you during your visit. “Cookies” or server logs is to collect information about how our site is used. That information may include the date and time of visits, the pages viewed, time spent at our site, and your IP address.

Information we collect:

Commonly collected personal data of our customers typically include such as first and last name, address, e-mail address, telephone number and age or age range) that you provide when you interact with us via register / sign up. Some examples are when you:

Personal data in Cambodia is protected under the Ministry of Post & Telecommunication ICT License (Article 27) states for the “all ICT & Telecommunication operators and all relevant person must protect personal information, security, and safety of using their ICT & Telecommunication System”.

Why do we collect your data?

We use the information you provide to us for the specific purposes for which you provide the information as stated at the time of collecting, and as otherwise permitted by law. The information we collect from you may be used in the following:

How we protect and process your Personal Data?

Kofi will process your personal data confidentially and not share or disclose your personal data to any individuals or third party operators, except to service providers engaged by Kofi to perform specific services on behalf of Kofi and for the purposes mentioned in Why Do We Collect Your Data?

above, including the following: – delivery of products that you have ordered through our Website or postal service; – hosting your personal information in data centers through storage facility providers; Kofi takes every precaution and use reasonable measures to protect your personal data. Kofi has the necessary technical and organizational measures in place, to keep your personal data secure, and in particular, to prevent it from being disclosed to unauthorized third parties. We protected through the use of encryption, such as the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology in our website for security purpose